

Hi there!! My mom and I have started a little project. In the next several months we are translating, testing, and documenting our family recipes. Cooking is fundamentally important to us, and these recipes are a small window into the geography, history and the relationships of past generations. We think that's worth preserving.

Aside from the recipes, here are some other things you can expect in the coming months:

  • I'll be engaging with friends and followers of the blog to submit their family recipes. This isn't just about us after all...
  • Not everything is about the past either. I'll fill you in on some new recipes I've scouted around the web that I think are worth building into your rotation and mine.
  • But the past is important, so I'll try to work in some history here and there, to give a little context to what's on the plate. 

We hope you'll cook along with us as we go on this adventure. You can follow us on any of the social sites below and I'll post each time something new goes live. We also want to hear from you, so drop us a line on the contact us page anytime.

Happy cooking!
